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Detox Bowel Cleanser

What is a detox?

A detox is a process whereby you stimulate your body to get rid of all the toxins that you take in from your environment. A detox revitalises your body while relieving below mentioned symptoms and increasing your energy levels. It protects agains digestive upsets and restores your natural digestive balance.

Symptoms that indicate you might need to detox

  • suffer from constipation
  • feel bloated
  • struggle with bad breath
  • want to detoxify
  • suffer from joint pains
  • suffer from heartburn
  • suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • have too much acid in the system.

What is in this product?

  • Fenugreek is a high, soluble fibre. Combined with water it helps to clean the colon sides.
  • Magnesium helps prevent cramps.
  • Vitamin C has a mild laxative effect and is an anti-oxidant for general health.
  • Aloe Ferox stabilizes the pH and starts the detoxification process.

Fenugreek is an herb with light green leaves and small white flowers. It’s part of the pea family (Fabaceae) and also known as Greek hay (Trigonella foenum-graecum). The fenugreek plant stands erect at two to three feet tall, and the seed pods contain 10–20 small, flat, yellow-brown, pungent and aromatic seeds.

Fenugreek seeds have a somewhat bitter taste, similar to celery, maple syrup or burnt sugar, and are often used to make medicine. However, fenugreek has a far more pleasant taste when cooked. The seeds are the most widely used part of fenugreek, which are usually dried and ground. The leaves are often used in cooking as well.

How do I use this product?

When using this product, it is important to drink enough water (8 glasses per day). This is not a laxative, therefore expect results in 2-3 days and not in 2 to 3 hours.

The dosage differs from person to person and will be influenced by i.e. laxatives used and diet. Dosage varies from 1 capsule per day to a maximum of 6 capsules per day. Normal dosage is 2 capsules per day. Reduce dosage if diarhoea occurs. Headaches may occur as a result of the detoxification process and can be reduced/prevented by increasing water intake.

Other Frequently Asked Questions?

Is this a laxative?
No, it will help for constipation within 2 or 3 days instead of 2 hours.

Can children use this product?
We don’t recommend the product to be used by children under the age of 8, as build up of toxins for a child that age is unlikely. Ages 8 to 12 use half adult dosage.

Can it be used over long period of time?
Yes, this is a natural product with no addiction properties.

Does the product work?
Definitely, success rate more than 90%.

Does this product have any side effects?
The detoxification process can result in headaches and can be avoided with a higher water intake.

Will it cause diarrhea?
It is not a laxative, but if diarrhea occurs, decrease the dosage.

Can I use it with prescription medicine?

Can I use for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Yes, the product was initially developed for the relief from symptoms of IBS.

Where to find Nat’sure Bowel Cleanser

• Dis-Chem pharmacies
• Independent pharmacies